How long do cell phone batteries last?

Have you recently purchased a new or used cell phone? Are you wondering how long its battery will last? The answer is more complex than you might think.

Let’s take a look at the factors that can affect a cell phone battery’s life expectancy the signs that mean it may need to be replaced.

Several factors can affect the lifespan of a cell phone battery

Cell phone batteries last an average of 3 to 5 years, but that estimate can vary greatly depending on different factors.

Charging habits play a major role in a battery’s lifespan. The more you charge the battery, the more its capacity will diminish over time. According to Apple, the battery capacity of iPhones should last at least 500 full charges before dropping to 80%.

Consequently, the way you use your cell phone has a direct effect on its battery lifespan. If you use it frequently for battery-draining activities like watching videos and playing games, the battery will inevitably die faster.

Signs that your cell phone battery is dying

It’s normal for a phone battery’s performance to diminish over time. After years of use, you may need to be on the lookout for signs that the battery is dying.

Signs to watch out for

The first sign to look for is how long the phone stays charged. It’s normal to see a difference in charging capacity after the first year of using the device, but if your phone is losing power faster and faster without you changing the way you use it, it may be a sign that the battery needs to be replaced.

Another sign to watch out for is the percentage of battery power you reach after a charge. If your power isn’t at 100% after charging your phone for a long time, the battery is probably nearing the end of its life.

If you notice that the battery is often hot for no apparent reason, it’s probably time to replace it.

Download an app to check your cell phone battery health

If you want to keep an eye on your cell phone battery health, there are apps you can download that will provide you with the information you need.

For example, the AccuBattery app measures the battery health of Android phones based on charging cycles. You can use the information it provides to optimize the way you use your device.

iPhone users can access this information directly on their devices.

Check out our blog for more tips on cell phone maintenance!

Want more advice on how to take good care of your cell phone and extend its lifespan? Check out Recycell’s blog for all our tips and tricks!

And if your phone battery has given up the ghost, don’t worry! You can find the phone of your dreams at an unbeatable price at our used cell phone store!

10 Hidden Smartphone Features That May Surprise You

Smartphones are useful little devices with an astonishing number of functions. They’ve become an essential part of our daily lives, so much so that most of us can’t imagine going anywhere without them.

You may think you know your phone like the back of your hand, but are you really getting the most out of it?

Here are 10 secret features hidden in smartphones that may surprise you!

1. Screen mirroring: display your phone screen on your TV

Want to show a group of friends a video on your phone, but the screen is too small for everyone to see? With some types of smartphones, you can display your screen on your TV using the screen mirroring function.

If you have an Apple TV, you can activate this secret iPhone function by enabling AirPlay on your device’s menu and connecting it to the TV.

If you have an Android, Chromecast is your best friend. This little device allows you to display apps on your TV just by pressing an icon.

2. Scan QR codes without an app

QR codes have been gaining momentum recently, particularly due to the pandemic. Businesses and restaurants have been using them to limit contact between employees and customers, and governments are beginning to use them as well.

Before, you needed a special app to use QR codes, but now, most smartphones (iPhone and Android) can scan a QR code just by taking a picture.

The phone’s camera app will recognize the QR code and automatically display the link. Much simpler!

3. Connect a mouse, keyboard or gamepad to your phone

Feel like using your Android phone as a computer? That’s another cool thing smartphones can do!

There are USB cables you can use to connect a computer mouse or keyboard to a smartphone. This feature is particularly useful in case your computer ever breaks down and you need to work or write something!

You can even connect a video game controller to your phone so you can play your favourite mobile games while enjoying the pleasant, ergonomic feel of a gamepad.

4. Create shortcuts for phrases and emojis

Not a fan of typing out answers to text messages?

To make texting more efficient, you can program various shortcuts in the keyboard settings of your iOS or Android device. For example, you could have your phone automatically replace “OMW” with “on my way”.

If you’re often in a rush, this hidden feature is perfect for you!

5. Tips for charging your cell phone faster

Wondering why your phone won’t charge or is slow to charge? One reason might be that your phone has many apps open in the background and is constantly on alert to send you notifications.

If you can, always put your phone in airplane mode when you charge it. It will make a big difference!

6. View two apps at once on Android phones

It can sometimes be frustrating to have to switch from one app to another when using your cell phone. We often need more than one app at a time. For example, you may want to watch a TV show and look at a recipe while cooking.

Android has resolved this problem with a split screen display feature. In split screen mode, the two apps are displayed one on top of the other so you can use them both at the same time. This feature is a multitasker’s dream!

7. Save battery by not using apps

Some used smartphones have a shorter battery life than newer models. You may need to find ways to save battery so as to avoid having to charge your phone multiple times a day.

One way to save battery is to use the browser version of some apps instead of the app itself. New apps can drain older cell phone batteries very quickly.

To simplify things, you can add browser shortcuts directly to your home screen. For example, if you use Google Chrome to access the Facebook mobile website, you can add it to the home screen in Settings so you can open it as easily as an app!

8. Take pictures while filming video

Did you know that you can take pictures while filming video on your phone? When you start recording a video, a little circular button will appear in the corner of the screen. You can use the button to take pictures.

This feature is great if you want to capture key moments of your video, because taking screenshots after filming doesn’t always work well.

9. Activate hidden functions on your phone with secret codes

If you want to feel like a technology pro, try out this cool trick!

Both Androids and iPhones have secret codes you can dial for a variety of useful functions.

For example, if you want to hide your phone number when making a call, simply enter #31# + [your number] before calling.

There are codes for improving call quality, seeing your smartphone usage statistics, checking data consumption, and more.

10. Cat Controls on Android 11: your virtual pet

Anyone who enjoyed having a Tamagotchi as a kid will love this hidden feature. Smartphones with the Android 11 OS have a well-hidden secret feature: Cat Controls!

Once you’ve unlocked the Cat Controls, you can attract virtual cats by filling their water bowl, feeding them and playing with them. You can attract as many cats as you want and give them quirky names.

This feature isn’t exactly useful, but it’s a lot of fun!

Click here to find out how to activate Cat Controls on Android 11.

Find a phone full of hidden features at Recycell

Are you getting the most out of your smartphone? Explore a variety of fun and useful features on your device with these 10 tips.

Looking for a smartphone you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg on? Recycell has a wide variety of cell phone models, so you’re sure to find something you like!

Check out our used cell phone store online!

How to Overcome Your Phone Addiction: 5 Tips

Do you or someone you know have a problem with cell phone use? You are not alone: the problem is increasingly prevalent all over the world.

In this article, find out how to recognize this form of addiction, the potential effects of this problem and 5 tips on how to beat smartphone addiction.

Smartphone addiction: a very real problem

Cell phone addiction is an increasingly recognized and widespread problem in our society. People with this psychological disorder feel an intense need to use their cell phone compulsively to the point where it affects their daily life.

This problem is mainly due to the fact that we are increasingly bombarded with information every day through social networks. Instantaneous interactions create a sense of satisfaction and reward in humans, which is the source of almost all forms of addiction.

Here’s how to recognize a cell phone addiction and the effects it can cause.

How to know you are addicted to your phone

A person living with a smartphone addiction may experience some or all of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Constant use of their cell phone, whether at work, on public transit, at a family event or with friends or just to look busy
  • A feeling of anxiety when their cell phone is not within reach or when it is impossible to recharge their phone
  • Need to instantly respond to text messages, emails and more
  • Unlocking your device several times a day and checking your social media repeatedly, even if no notifications are received
  • Difficulty concentrating at work, school, during a recreational activity or even while using the device
  • Lying to those around them about how much time they spend on their cell phone

The potential effects of cell phone addiction

Smartphone addiction can have a number of negative effects on a person’s psychological and physical health. Here are some examples:

  • Progressive isolation of the individual and increased difficulty in maintaining quality interpersonal relationships
  • Development of symptoms of an anxiety disorder or depression
  • Development of reproductive health problems (phone waves can affect sperm motility when the device is often in the front pocket of pants)
  • Impact on the developing adolescent brain, including reduced grey matter density in those who use the Internet compulsively
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders

5 tips for overcoming cell phone addiction

Like all addictions, cell phone addiction can be overcome by doing some serious work on yourself and making changes to your habits. If you’re looking to limit your phone use, these 5 tips may help.

1. Replace your smartphone with a basic device

Every year, the big players in mobile technology unveil new and better smartphones. It can be really tempting for people who are addicted to cell phones to want to get these latest models. However, this habit can make their addiction worse, not to mention very expensive.

To overcome this, buying a used cell phone that only has basic functions (calls and texts) can be a good solution. This will make it impossible to compulsively check your social media. This is a good first step in overcoming phone addiction.

2. Keep track of the hours spent on your cell phone

Sometimes people who suffer from cell phone addiction don’t realize how many hours they spend using their device. Monitoring daily or weekly usage can make the problem much more obvious.

Newer models of Samsung cell phones have an application that allows you to see how much time the device and each application has been used during the day or week. There are also similar applications for other models. This makes it easier to control the hours of use and reduce the time spent on the device.

3. Consider leaving your phone in another room of the house

It can be difficult for people who are addicted to cell phones not to have their phone close to them. They need to get used to being able to leave it in another room without feeling anxious.

For example, people often tend to take their cell phones with them to the bathroom. A good first step to reducing this addiction is to leave it behind when it’s time to go to the washroom.

Another way to overcome this anxiety is to leave your cell phone in another room at night instead of putting it on your bedside table. This will prevent the phone from being the first thing on your mind when you wake up.

4. Plan a day without your cell phone

Organizing a day full of activities where you leave your cell phone at home can help you realize how pervasive the device is in your daily life.  This may encourage you to live in the moment and let go of your cell phone little by little, until you overcome your addiction.

5. Try new activities that help you pass the time differently

Similarly, trying new activities and hobbies is a good way to get away from your cell phone. For example, you can sign up for a painting class or a recreational sports club. You’ll have no choice but to leave your phone behind during the class, which will help you enjoy these activities to the fullest and worry less about missed notifications on your cell phone.

Find the right cell phone to beat your addiction with Recycell

Phone addiction is a very real problem that should not be taken lightly. We hope that the tips presented in this article will help you beat your smartphone addiction once and for all.

Looking for an older mobile device model to encourage you to reduce your device usage? At Recycell, you will surely find the perfect device to help you overcome your addiction.

Visit our online store to see our complete selection and buy used phones in Canada.

How to Fix an Unresponsive Phone or Tablet Touch Screen

Touch screens have completely redefined mobile technology. Tasks that used to be impossible can now be done with the swipe of a finger.

Unfortunately, like any electronic component, touch screens can malfunction from time to time, for a variety of reasons.

Wondering what to do if your touch screen stops working? Don’t panic! Here are 5 ways to fix a broken touch screen.

1. Restart your device

The number one trick for fixing an unresponsive touch screen on an iPhone, Samsung or any other Android device is to force it to restart. Like most small bugs that occur on mobile devices, most touch screen problems can be resolved by restarting.

To restart your phone or tablet, hold down the power button until a menu appears. Then, follow the instructions to restart the device.

2. Clean the screen

If restarting doesn’t fix the problem, it may be because the touch screen is dirty and needs cleaning. Touch screens work best when they are very clean. Accumulated dust and fingerprints on a screen can make it unresponsive.

Take the time to thoroughly clean your device’s screen and case. The ideal tool for the task is a microfibre cloth, which is soft and won’t scratch the screen. If you have a screen protector, make sure it’s clean as well.

To prevent this problem from happening in the future, try to remember to wash your hands before using your devices.

3. Make sure your phone or tablet is completely dry

In addition to dirt, dust and grease, water and moisture can also cause your screen to stop working. If you think the problem might be caused by exposure to moisture, try the following:

First, place your phone or tablet in a dry place. Remove the case and screen protector so that as much of the device as possible is exposed to the air. Then, gently shake the device to try to get any water out of the headphone and charging ports. Finally, wipe the device down with a dry cloth.

Caution: do not put your phone or tablet in rice if it falls in water. Although this trick was popular for several years, it has been proven that it only draws a very small amount of water out of the device while introducing unwanted dirt and debris.  

4. Remove the SIM card and all connected accessories

In some cases, overusing your phone or tablet can cause the system to overheat, affecting the screen’s performance. To fix a touch screen that’s not working, turn off your device, then remove the SIM card and SD card. Unplug it from all chargers, USB cables and other mobile phone accessories.

Then, turn the device back on to see whether the problem was in fact caused by the SIM card. If so, try giving your phone a break for a bit before plugging the cards and accessories back in.

5. Activate safe mode

Our last solution for fixing a touch screen that’s not working is to activate safe mode. Available on most mobile devices, safe mode is a function that restarts the device without running any third-party applications.

By restarting the phone or tablet with only the essential applications running, you can determine whether one of the third-party applications is responsible for the screen problem.

Here’s how to active safe mode on different brands of phones:

  • When an iPhone touch screen is not responding:
    • Turn off the iPhone.
    • Press the power button and volume up button simultaneously.
    • When the phone turns on, let go of the power button but keep holding down the volume up button for around 20 seconds.
    • Then, let go of the volume up button and wait for the home screen to appear. The iPhone will be in safe mode.
  • When the touch screen on an Android device is not responding:
    • Hold down the power button until the menu appears.
    • Press and hold the power off icon. A safe mode icon will appear.
    • Press the icon to restart the Android device in safe mode.

Phone or tablet still not working? Find your next device at Recycell

If the touch screen on your device stops working, one of these 5 tips may well help you fix it without having to take it to a technician. Unfortunately, devices can sometimes be so badly damaged that they cannot be repaired.

If that’s the case and you find yourself in need of a new device, Recycell has a wide selection of used cell phones. You’re bound to find one that suits your needs perfectly.

Check out our online cell phone store to find one that’s right for you!

How to Make Your Phone Charge Faster

Are you tired of your phone taking hours to charge and wondering how to speed up the process?

In this article, Recycell specialists present 6 useful tips to make your phone charge faster.

1. Avoid using your phone while it’s charging

The first tip to make your phone charge faster is to avoid using it while it’s charging. Turning on your screen is one of the most battery-draining things you can do. If you turn it on repeatedly to check the time or your notifications, your phone will charge more slowly.

If you use battery-draining apps on top of that, your phone will take even longer to charge. Apps like Facebook, streaming platforms and mobile games eat up a huge amount of battery.

The next time you’re charging your phone, try reading a book instead!

2. Put your phone in airplane mode

The next tip to help your phone charge faster is to put it in airplane mode. Even when you’re not using your phone, it’s usually connected to WiFi, LTE, 4G, Bluetooth, NFC, etc. and is using a significant amount of power to keep those connections active.

Airplane mode automatically deactivates all of those connections, allowing the phone to charge more quickly.

Note that you cannot receive calls or text messages when airplane mode is on, so if you’re expecting an important call, it’s best to avoid using this strategy.

To access airplane mode on your iPhone, Samsung or other Android device, go into Settings. Airplane mode should be one of the first options. Simply slide the button to turn it on.

3. Use a wall charger instead of a USB port

If your phone isn’t charging well, you might want to take a look at how you’re charging it. Charging your phone through a USB port is much less efficient than using a wall charger.

Using a wall charger is more effective because the phone is plugged directly into the electrical outlet rather than going through a computer port.

Make sure you use a wall charger that is compatible with your cell phone model. Tablet chargers, for example, may be too powerful for your phone and could end up damaging it.

It’s a good idea to stick to chargers from the same brand as your device. Third-party wall chargers are often made with lower-quality materials than official Apple and Samsung chargers, for example.

4. Turn off your phone entirely

A more drastic way to get your phone to charge faster is to turn it off completely while it’s charging. When the phone is off, the battery isn’t being used at all, so the charging speed will be optimal.

Of course, choosing this option means that you won’t have access to your phone at all, which isn’t ideal for everyone. But if you need to charge your device as quickly as possible, turning it off is the best solution.

5. Charge your phone more often, for a shorter period of time

To optimize your phone’s charging time, it might be worth getting into the habit of charging it in several short bursts rather than one long one.

It’s actually useless to let your phone charge to 100%. Ideally, it should be kept between 40% and 80% to optimize the battery life.

This method also saves precious time. Fully charging a cell phone takes an hour and a half to 3 hours, depending on the model, and most devices charge much faster at the beginning than at the end. For example, it can take the same amount of time to go from 50% to 70% as it does to go from 0% to 50%. Charging in several quick bursts allows you to stay within the optimal charging time.

Some devices also have a fast charging feature, which can speed up the charging process even more.

6. Charge your phone in a cool place

It’s generally recommended to keep your phone in a cool place when charging it. An environment that is too hot can damage your cell phone’s battery.

If your phone gets very hot when you charge it, try taking off the case to let it breathe a bit. Make sure you place it out of the sun on a cool surface to increase charging speed and prevent it from overheating.

Go to for more tips on cell phone care

You can make your phone charge faster by adopting a few simple habits that will save time and improve your phone’s battery life.

Ideally, you should turn off your phone completely if you want it to charge as quickly as possible. However, that’s not always possible if you need access to your calls or messages, so consider turning off any networks you don’t need to use, or switch to airplane mode.

Want more tips on cell phone care? The pros at Recycell offer plenty of tips and information in our blog section.

Check out our online store for used cell phones that are great quality and affordably priced!

Why Your Phone Isn’t Charging (And How to Fix It)

Oh no! Your smartphone is dead and doesn’t seem to want to hold a charge.

“Why is my phone not charging,” you ask?

Recycell’s team explains 5 potential causes and suggests solutions to fix the problem.

1. First, try restarting your phone

If you suddenly notice that your phone isn’t holding a charge, start by restarting the device. It’s entirely possible that the charging problem is being caused by a small glitch that can be fixed with a simple reboot.

When you restart your phone, it automatically quits all apps running in the background. The device’s basic components are also refreshed, in case one of them has failed.

If your phone charges properly after you restart it, it may be a good idea to check the third-party apps installed on your device. Delete any that seem potentially untrustworthy, because they could cause problems.

2. Replace your charging block or charging cable

Defective charging accessories could be another reason why your phone is not charging. These defects could be undetectable to the naked eye but have a big impact on the effectiveness of the accessories.

For example, a wire inside the charging cable may have come loose, or the charging block may have sustained internal damage.

To determine whether the problem is being caused by your charging accessories, plug your phone into a different charger that you know works. If your phone charges normally, then you know that the problem is being caused by the cable or the power supply.

The problem could also be caused by the electrical outlet you are using to charge your phone. If the outlet is defective, your phone won’t charge. Check your electrical outlets before buying new charging accessories.

3. Clean out the USB port

Even if you have the best protective phone case on the market, it’s practically impossible to prevent dust and debris from getting into the phone’s USB port.

Your phone might not be charging because too much dust has accumulated in the charging port. If that’s the case, you need to clean out the port to be able to charge your phone.

Use a cotton swab to try to wipe away any superficial dust. You can also inspect the port more closely with a flashlight to see if there is larger debris lodged inside.

If there is, insert a small tool such as a needle or SIM card ejector into the port and gently dislodge the debris.

4. Check your phone battery

Another reason why you might be having problems charging your phone is if the battery is damaged or obsolete. If you use a charger that is too powerful for your phone’s battery, it may get damaged much faster.

It may also simply be time to replace the battery.

If you have an iPhone, testing your battery is simple. Just go into Settings and click on Battery. If you see a message above the Low Power Mode option, that means your battery needs to be changed. If no message appears, your battery is fine.

If you have an Android, download the Ampere app for free. It can detect the amperage the phone receives while charging, tell you if the current is too much or too little for the battery, and check whether the battery functioning properly.

5. What to do if your phone is not fast charging

Some phone brands, like Samsung and Huawei, offer fast charging technology. As the name suggests, this technology gives phones the ability to charge in far less time.

What do you do if your fast charging stops working overnight? Here are a few tips:

  • Check whether fast charging is activated: Go to settings to check whether your fast charging is on.
  • Use the right kind of charging block: Some charging blocks aren’t made for fast charging. Make sure your charging block supports fast charging and is the same brand as your phone. Third-party devices may cause charging problems.
  • Turn off your smartphone while it’s charging: A phone that’s turned off will charge much more quickly than one that’s in use.
  • Run system updates 
  • Reset your phone to factory settings: This is a last resort. Save all of your data beforehand, because it will be deleted when you reset.

Phone not charging? Find a new one at Recycell!

A variety of causes can lead to phone charging problems. Dust in the port may be preventing the phone from connecting to the power supply, or your charging accessories may have become defective.

The other unfortunate possibility is that your phone has decided to call it quits.

If that’s the case and you want to replace your broken device, look no further! At Recycell, you can find a used smartphone that’s as good as new for an unbeatable price.

Check out the vast selection of used phones available at our online store!

How to Give a Cell Phone as a Gift

Giving a family member or loved one a cell phone as a gift to is becoming more and more common. With cell phones constantly growing in popularity, it’s a great gift idea if you want to spoil someone in your life.

But how do you choose the right device and phone plan to give as a gift? Discover 4 great tips in this article.

Go for an unlocked cell phone

A good way to surprise someone close to you is to give them an unlocked cell phone as a gift.

The biggest advantage of an unlocked device is that the recipient can choose their own plan with the mobile carrier of their choice.

For example, if you are sure that this person wants an iPhone, you can simply buy the device without having to worry about choosing a package for them.

Moreover, Recycell offers you a large selection of excellent unlocked used cell phones. So you can give a cell phone as a gift without having to spend an astronomical amount of money.

Find out what type of device the person wants

Before buying a phone as a gift, find out what kind of phone your loved one would like to receive.

While the latest smart phones are very trendy, not everyone wants to own one. Some only use their cell phone for basic functions. A super-sophisticated phone won’t necessarily be what they’re looking for.

Also, find out what brands of cell phones the person prefers. This might bring to mind the famous war between iPhone and Android fans, which won’t end anytime soon!

Gather as much information as possible about the type of device that the recipient of the gift might like.

Research the different packages and providers

If you’re looking to give your child or teenager a cell phone as a gift, you’ll probably want to choose a cell phone plan as well.

To choose the right package, you should first ask yourself a few questions and establish rules of use that your child will have to follow.

Do you want to get your child a data plan? Do you want them to be satisfied with basic features such as texting and calling? What budget are you willing to put into buying a cell phone plan for your child?

All of these questions will help you make a better choice of device and package for your child.

Give them the promise of a new cell phone as a gift

Finally, a simpler solution if you don’t want to bother yourself too much is to offer the promise of a cell phone as a gift to your loved one.

Although this can ruin the surprise, this option lets you fulfill your good intention while giving the other person the freedom to choose a device they really want. It’s the best of both worlds!

Find the ideal cell phone to give as a gift with Recycell

Before you give a phone as a gift, make sure you do your research.

Find out about the device the person would like to receive and the different packages offered. This research will also help you find a nice gift at a reasonable price.

Are you looking for a cell phone to give as a gift? Visit Recycell’s online store to find a used device that will delight that special person in your life.

How to Protect Your Phone from Hackers in 2021

Cyberattacks take place every day and can affect almost anyone. It is important to take all steps necessary to protect your phone and your personal information. Despite the remediation methods available, prevention is always key against hackers.

Recycell’s used cellphone experts tell you more about how to protect your phone from hackers.

1. Always update your phone

Software updates may seem annoying and time-consuming, but they are crucial to address any vulnerabilities that hackers may be aware of on older software. You can easily enable auto-updates on both your software and apps to make sure that your phone is always up to date.

2. Use security protection

Both Avast and McAffee offer free smartphone security packages that can warn you if you are trying to download an app or take an online action known to be malicious.

You can also encrypt your device. Android devices tend to have automatic encryption. If you have an iPhone, enable data protection at the bottom of the Touch ID & Passcode section.

Another built-in method for increased protection is two-factor authentication (2FA), a second verification whenever your password is used. This can include using fingerprints or face ID after your passwords have been entered.

3. Use strong passwords

Make sure to always keep your phone locked when you are not using it since physical access is the easiest way for hackers to get in. Both iPhones and Android devices offer the option to create six-digit phone passwords. Avoid using predictable passwords like “123456” or “000000.”

You should also have your notes locked with a different password if you keep any confidential information like credit card numbers. However, you should ideally avoid storing this information on your phone.

4. Only download trustworthy apps

Most apps require permission to access different features, such your camera or microphone. These features are often necessary for the app to work, but this access can also be abused by ill-intentioned individuals.

Similarly, if you are downloading an app promoted online, make sure that the website is safe. This is especially the case for Android phones, since Apple is stricter with apps it allows onto the App Store.

You can double check that the apps already on your phone are safe and see which permissions are being used. If you are using an Apple device, you can do this by going under Settings > Privacy.

5. Keep online services locked

Although auto-login may seem convenient, this feature is more of a risk than anything else. By activating this, a hacker simply needs access to your browser to access all your accounts.

You should also avoid using the same password for all your online services to further protect your phone and data from hackers.

6. Avoid over-sharing online

Giving out your phone number may seem harmless, but it can be used in 2FA. It can also give hackers an extra outlet to send you any fake text messages used to hack your phone.

You should also hide access to any other personal information on your social media, like your full date of birth or any relevant addresses. This information can make it easier for hackers to gain access to your personal accounts.

7. Always keep your phone with you

Make sure you always have your phone on you when in public. As a preventative measure, activate the built-in “find my phone” feature in case your phone gets lost or stolen. You can also make your missing device ring to track it or draw attention to the thief.

 8. Turn off Bluetooth and WiFi

Turning off Bluetooth and WiFi when they are not in use is a quick and easy way to help protect your phone from hackers. When you connect your phone to public networks, you open yourself up to greater risk of personal data access by any hacker who has the software skills to do so.

If you do use a public unprotected WiFi network, make sure to also apply the other preventative measures mentioned above. You can also use a VPN tool to prevent hackers from monitoring your actions. Lastly, avoid accessing any personal or financial data when using public networks.

Keep your phone protected from hackers

In short, there are a few preventative methods to protect your phone from hackers. You can also make sure that you purchase your device from a reputable source, especially if you are purchasing a used phone.

At Recycell, all our used phones come from trusted sources. Contact us for more information or to choose your next cellphone.

How to Clean a Clear Phone Case

You probably carry your phone with you at all times, so it is bound to get dirty due to exposure to lotion, sweat and different environments. Since your protective case is there to protect your phone from drops or damage, it may get dirty more quickly.

Although clear phone cases are sleek and classic, they can get noticeably dirty, yellow or scratched after some time.

Find out why clear phone cases turn yellow and how to clean your phone case.

Why do clear phone cases turn yellow?

Clear phone cases are normally made from silicone or other inexpensive polymers. Not only do these get exposed to dirt and dust, but the yellow tint that appears over time is also a part of their natural degradation. Exposure to the sun or other environmental factors can also speed up this process.

Despite this, phone cases should not be neglected since they help protect your phone from physical damage. Instead, make sure to clean them thoroughly and regularly.

How to clean a clear phone case that turned yellow

Before you begin cleaning your clear phone case, it is important to remove it from your phone to avoid damaging your device. Once this is done, how to clean your clear phone case will depend on how dirty the case is.

Minor stains: dish soap and water

Small stains and dirt can be cleaned with dish soap and water. First, fill a bowl with hot water and a few drops of dish soap.

Use a cloth or toothbrush to scrub your case with the hot water and soap. Make sure to scrub the areas that are tougher to reach, like the camera slot and any other holes.

Next, rinse and repeat as necessary until your clear phone case is clean. Finish by drying the case with a cloth and letting it air dry for at least 1 hour before putting it back on your phone.

Medium stains: alcohol

To clean medium stains, put a small amount of isopropyl alcohol on a soft cloth and scrub your phone case. As with the minor stains, make sure to also clean the areas that are tougher to reach and more likely to harbour grime, like the interior edges of the case or around the holes.

Once this is done, take a dry cloth and wipe your clear case. The case should feel dry, but you should still wait at least 1 hour before putting it back on your phone.

Tougher stains: baking soda

If your clear phone case has tougher stains, the two above methods may not be sufficient. In this case, cover your case or the stained areas with baking soda. Use a wet toothbrush to scrub any marks and stains on your clear case, including the edges.

Once you’ve scrubbed all affected areas, rinse and wipe off the leftover baking soda with a cloth and let the case air dry for at least 1 hour.

In the end, the best way to keep your clear phone case clean is to wash it with soap and water once a week, or with baking soda when needed. Not only will this help prevent your case from getting yellow, but it will also help you disinfect your phone, which is especially important now with the coronavirus.

How to remove scratches from a clear phone case

After cleaning your phone, you may notice that there are still small scratches. Luckily, these can sometimes be removed.

After you have cleaned your phone thoroughly using one of the above methods, put a small amount of car scratch removal on a microfibre or regular clean cloth and scrub any areas that have scratches. You can repeat as necessary.

You can also use the same method with toothpaste instead, though this will only be effective for very small surface-level scratches. Any deeper scratches that you can feel with a finger nail unfortunately cannot be removed.

Need a new protective phone case?

In short, there are a few ways to clean your clear phone case. If you have tried every technique and your clear phone case is still yellow, it might be time to get a new phone case. You may also be interested in other essential smartphone accessories.

At Recycell, we sell a variety of phone accessories and used phones. Contact us if you have any questions or visit our website to see our products.

Why is My Phone So Hot?

Have you started noticing that your phone gets very hot when you use it? You should address this problem before it causes damage to your phone.

Many factors can cause your phone to overheat, but every problem has a solution.

Here are a few possible reasons why your phone is so hot and some tips to stop this from happening.

A few reasons why your phone overheats

There are many reasons why your phone gets so hot. Whether you have an iPhone or Samsung phone, any mobile device can overheat. Some technical and environmental factors may be causing this problem.

Too many open apps

Did you know that your applications can be active in the background even if you are not using them? Your apps continue to run if you do not close them.

Never shutting your apps can end up draining your cell phone’s battery and cause it to overheat as a result.

Playing games often or streaming a lot of videos

If you often play games or continuously watch movies and shows on your cell phone, this may be causing your phone to get hot. Games and videos use the central processor and graphics processing unit, which can overwork your device’s battery.

Your cell phone settings are not optimized

Some settings can also be causing your phone to heat up. High brightness, using mobile data and installing apps are just a few examples of settings that wear out your cell phone’s battery. Remember to adjust these settings to optimize your device’s performance and prevent it from getting hot.

Environmental factors

Leaving your phone on a table outside on a very hot day can cause your phone to overheat. Make sure not to leave your phone in very hot areas since this can cause long term damage to your phone.

How to prevent your phone from getting hot

Here is how you can stop your cell phone from getting so hot.

Reduce the brightness

Try to always adjust the brightness on your smartphone to a low setting. If you often forget, you can activate automatic brightness. The brightness will then automatically adapt to the ambient light.

Put your phone in low power mode

If you have an Android device, activate the power saving mode to limit battery consumption and prevent your phone from heating up.

Remove the case

Your phone case may also be retaining the heat emitted by your phone and cause it to overheat. If you notice that the problem stops when you remove the case, consider getting a new case.

Uninstall power-consuming apps

Does your phone get hot every time you open a certain app? Consider uninstalling it to preserve your phone’s lifespan.

Take good care of your cell phone

As you can see, there are many factors that can cause your phone to get so hot. Keep these in mind and follow our advice to prevent your phone from overheating and prolong its battery life.

Thinking about getting a new phone instead? At Recycell, you can always find the right phone at a fraction of the price. Browse our selection of used cell phones on our website!